New rules were adopted in both chambers in the 2023 Legislative Session. These changes range from banning signs and other visual messages to restrictions on the use recording devices such as video cameras and cell phones. These new rules may be enforced arbitrarily so please be sure to share this information with as many people as possible.
While at the Capitol, people CANNOT:
- Use signs, placards, displays and banners
- Applaud, hiss, or make other notices in the chambers, gallery, lobbies or committee rooms during legislative proceedings
- Use recording devices for video on the House floor, in the gallery, in lobbies, or committee rooms during legislative proceedings without prior approval. (Audio recording is permitted).
Ways to Share Messages:
- Wear pins, buttons, and stickers
- Wear the same color with group members and allies to show solidarity
- Directly contact your legislators at the Capitol, on social media, via email, or by telephone
Share these images on your social media to help raise awareness: