Building an expensive new facility won’t solve the current safety crisis in Fulton County Jail.
Over the past two years, the American Civil Liberties Union of Georgia has worked with a growing coalition of partners across Fulton County to emphasize the need to address mismanagement and overcrowding at Fulton County Jail. Our recent reports, research among voters, and conversations with advocates and citizens from across the county clearly demonstrate that Fulton County residents overwhelmingly agree that too many people are held in Fulton County Jail for too long.
Constructing a costly new facility won’t address the pressing safety concerns stemming from the mismanagement, perilous conditions, and overcrowding at the Fulton County Jail. We developed three fact sheets that help shed light on the issues plaguing the Fulton County Jail system, how voters feel about those issues, and how we can fix them.
Community over Cages Resource Hub
Sheriffs are elected officials who have the power to make our communities safer for everyone. That’s why it’s important to know where they stand on issues, such as reducing overcrowding and improving safety at Fulton County Jail.
We asked the candidates for Fulton County Sheriff about ways to reduce overcrowding and improve safety at Fulton County Jail. In addition, we polled 800 Fulton voters to understand their opinion on the jail. Learn more about where each candidate stands and our new poll about Fulton County Jail.
Learn more about our Know Your Sheriff Campaign
Below are links to three jail research reports conducted by the ACLU of Georgia and partners: