2025 Georgia Legislative Session


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ACLU of Georgia’s legislative agenda for 2025 ranges from defending free speech and privacy to advancing reproductive justice, LGBTQ+ rights, immigration reform, criminal legal reform, and voting rights.

  • Speech and Privacy: Politicians have no business imposing their preferred religious doctrine or other beliefs on students in public schools. Universities should be bastions of free speech and academic freedom and we’ll stand up for the right to protest and dissent.
  • Reproductive Justice: Everyone deserves the freedom to decide whether and when to have a child. Georgians need contraceptives, abortion care, fewer restrictions, and expanded supportive policies to combat the South’s abysmal racial health disparities.
  • LGBTQ+ Rights: Georgians should have the right to live their lives free from discrimination and harassment – regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Trans youth deserve better than attacks from extremist lawmakers misguided by lies, hatred, and vitriol.
  • Voting Rights: Our democracy works best when all eligible voters can participate and have their voices heard.  Those who advocate for discriminatory voting laws undermine our communities and our democracy. 
  • Immigration Reform: People who are immigrants contribute so much to our communities and our economy. It’s time our laws treated them with the respect and dignity they deserve. 
  • Criminal Legal Reform: Georgia jails a higher percentage of its people than any other democratic country on earth. Our legislative advocacy is centered on more effective approaches to safe communities rather than the expensive, wholesale warehousing of people pre-trial. 



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Each year, we review hundreds of bills introduced in the Georgia Legislature for civil liberties implications, identifying those bills that we are going to advocate for or against and developing strategies accordingly. 

We educate legislators and the public about ACLU-GA positions, draft legislation on priority issues, lobby on bills affecting civil liberties, testify or arrange for testimony on bills, and build coalitions to pursue pro-active legislative initiatives or battle anti-civil liberties legislation.

Want to stay on top of our high priority bills? Subscribe to our Fast Democracy email updates - you'll get alerts on bill actions, testimonies, committee meetings and more. 



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