As part of our work in the defense of civil liberties, the ACLU of Georgia issues reports, position papers, booklets and advocacy materials that study and note developments in civil liberties. Below is a listing of some of our publications organized by issue.

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Lawsuit: Georgia violating rights of deaf inmates

By Rhonda Cook | Atlanta Journal-Constitution | June 20, 2018

Prison was a silent, isolating place for Jerry Coen despite being locked up in a facility that housed 1,150 other inmates.

June 20, 2018

Supreme Court allows voter purges in states like Georgia

By Mark Niesse | Atlanta Journal-Constitution | June 11, 2018 “This decision does embolden those politicians who are always looking for an excuse to kick people off the rolls,” said Sean Young, the legal director for the American Civil Liberties Union of Georgia. “It unreasonably assumes that

June 12, 2018

“Las familias pertenecen juntas”

Por Rafael Navarro-ENG | El Nuevo Georgia 7 junio 2018 “Yo no me puedo imaginar que alguien venga a llevarse a mi niño por una hora, menos por días, como está pasando con los que están siendo separados de sus familias”, dijo Podolsky a El Nuevo Georgia.

June 7, 2018

How A Georgia Teen Got 5 Years In Prison For Stealing A Pair Of Shoes

By Johnny Kaufmann | WABE | June 4, 2018 Dayonn Davis was set to graduate from high school in Columbus, said his lawyer Susan Henderson, but now he’s going to prison. “He is a good kid that made a really dumb 15-year-old mistake,” she said. Davis was sentenced to five years in prison and 10 years

June 4, 2018