SB 101
Amends Title 21 to include that an application for an absentee ballot in a primary or election shall also be an automatic application for an absentee ballot in a runoff resulting from such primary or...
Each year, we review hundreds of bills introduced in the Georgia Legislature for civil liberties implications, identifying those bills that we are going to advocate for or against and developing strategies accordingly.
We educate legislators and the public about ACLU-GA positions, draft legislation on priority issues, lobby on bills affecting civil liberties, testify or arrange for testimony on bills, and build coalitions to pursue pro-active legislative initiatives or battle anti-civil liberties legislation.
Below are just a few of the many priority bills that we actively worked on durinng the 2023 legislative session.
Visit the Georgia General Assembly website to search all legislation from the current session.
Amends Title 21 to include that an application for an absentee ballot in a primary or election shall also be an automatic application for an absentee ballot in a runoff resulting from such primary or...
This bill would restore the rights of those previously convicted of a felony in Georgia.
This bill would amend Title 21 to provide specifications for preferential treatment during advance voting to voters accompanied by children three years of age or under.
This bill offers multitude changes to Title 21:
Section 1:
Section 2:
...This bill amends Article 2 of Chapter 5 of Title 36 to reemphasize the language in the constitution that legislatures feel supports the argument that counties cannot have any role in their own redistricting...