Two out-of-state organizations, Public Interest Legal Foundation and Judicial Watch, have sent letters targeting ten Georgia counties making unfounded accusations about the number of Georgians who these groups accuse of not belonging on the voter rolls. Neither organization provided one ounce of evidence for their claims.
The American Civil Liberties Union of Georgia has sent letters to the Georgia Secretary of State and each of the ten counties urging them to reject this attempt to bully officials into removing Georgians from the voter rolls.
“The Secretary of State must categorically reject this attempt by out-of-state organizations to bully our county officials into removing Georgians from the voter rolls,” said Sean J. Young, legal director for the ACLU of Georgia. “This is but the latest unpatriotic attempt to deprive our fellow Georgians of their sacred, fundamental right to vote.”
Ten counties received a letter from at least one of the groups. Bryan, Fayette, Marion, McIntosh, Lee and Oconee received letters from both Public Interest Legal Foundation and Judicial Watch. Columbia, Dekalb, Forsyth and Fulton were targeted by one of them.