Quitman County Voters Keep Polling Location Open

Georgetown, GA – In a 4-1 vote early this evening, the Quitman County Board of Registrars defeated a proposal that would have closed 50% of the county’s polling locations. Citing information that ACLU of Georgia provided urging the board to reject the proposal, board members voiced their opposition to the closure and cast their votes accordingly.

“We thank the Quitman County Board of Registrars for voting to keep Morris precinct open and to all the Quitman county residents who stood up for the right to vote,” said Rahul Garabadu, voting rights attorney, ACLU of Georgia. “The Constitution protects every citizen’s sacred right to vote, and tonight’s decision reaffirms this fundamental principle.”

Several Quitman County citizens shared their thoughts about the decision following the Board of Registrars vote.

“A good decision was made in regards to the Morris Precinct. The board of registrars voted against closing. And for that, I thank the ACLU of Atlanta for coming down and helping us out in this process. We think this will mean a lot to the citizens of Quitman County,” Mr. Willie Anderson said after the vote.

“I’m speaking about the process However, they did not. We objected to it, and most of the citizens of Morris objected to it. We’re thankful for that. Thankful for the board of registrars, probate judge, and all the help we got. We appreciate the ACLU for coming down and helping us in this matter. It was a great blessing for us to meet the people that they sent, and we consider them to be lifelong friends. And we’re very appreciative of the outcome. We’re grateful for that,” Mr. Larry Wilborn shared after the board meeting.

“I want the thank the judge and the board for making the decision to keep the poll out at Morris open. I want to thank everybody that took a part into it,” stated Mr. Sylvester Eleby, a veteran and long-time citizen of Quitman County.

Watch the entire meeting on ACLU of Georgia’s Facebook Page.
