Media Contact

Caitriona Fitzgerald, EPIC, Deputy Director, [email protected], 202-483-1140 x105
Dorrie Toney, ACLU of Georgia, Communications Director, [email protected], 404-302-0128

March 19, 2025

SB 111 fails to protect consumers’ data privacy and security, says watchdog groups

The Georgia Consumer Privacy and Protection Act (SB 111) gets a failing grade for protecting consumers’ data, finds a new report from the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) and U.S. PIRG Education Fund. Last week, SB 111 passed the state Senate and is currently being considered by the House Technology and Infrastructure Innovation Committee. 

“We are disappointed the Senate passed one of the worst bills in the nation that protects big tech companies instead of people. We urge the House to consider SB 111’s failing grade and to draft meaningful legislation that gives Georgians control over their most private data,” said Christopher Bruce, Policy Director at the ACLU of Georgia

Because the U.S. does not have a comprehensive federal privacy law, states are taking action. Since 2018, 44 states have considered comprehensive consumer privacy legislation, and 19 states have passed laws. EPIC and U.S. PIRG Education Fund released a scorecard report earlier this year evaluating those laws for how well they protect consumers’ data privacy and security. Of the 19 state laws, 9 received Fs, and none received an A. If passed as is, Georgia’s bill would be the tenth law to receive an F. 

“SB 111 does little to protect Georgians’ privacy and allows companies to continue hoarding personal data and using it for whatever purposes they want,” said Caitriona Fitzgerald, deputy director of EPIC

Many state bills have been heavily influenced by tech companies, leading to significantly weakened consumer protections across the country. Georgia’s bill follows Virginia’s privacy law that was heavily shaped by Amazon and other industry giants. It also received a failing grade on the scorecard report. 

“Grading these laws really makes it clear that they’re almost all copy-and-paste versions of a bill originally written by the tech industry,” said Kara Williams, EPIC law fellow and report co-author. “Georgia now has the opportunity to reject the industry model altogether or pass a version of the law that truly protects consumers instead.” 

Tech companies’ harvesting of personal information, including demographics and browsing and search history, has attracted more public attention in recent years. Over 80 percent of Americans are concerned about how companies collect and use their data. 

The more data that companies collect, and the more companies that hold that data, the more likely it is that consumers’ information will get exposed in a breach or a hack, increasing the likelihood that consumers  become victims of identity theft or hyper-targeted scams. 

“The best way to keep data secure is to not collect it in the first place,” said R.J. Cross, U.S. PIRG Education Fund’s Don’t Sell My Data campaign director. “A law that really protects consumers would minimize the amount of information companies are allowed to collect upfront, and stop them from using it in unexpected ways. Unfortunately, there’s not a privacy law in the country that does this as well as it should.”


About EPIC:
EPIC (the Electronic Privacy Information Center) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit established in 1994 to protect privacy, freedom of expression, and democratic values in the information age through advocacy, research, and litigation. EPIC advocates for strong privacy laws in state legislatures across the country. Visit for more information.

About U.S. PIRG Education Fund:
U.S. PIRG Education Fund is an independent, non-partisan group that works for consumers and the public interest. Through research, public education and outreach, we serve as the counterweights to the influence of powerful special interests that threaten our health, safety, and wellbeing. For more information about U.S. PIRG Education Fund, please visit

About ACLU of Georgia:
The ACLU of Georgia enhances and defends the civil liberties and rights of all Georgians through legal action, legislative and community advocacy, and civic education and engagement. For more information, visit