"Today, plaintiffs presented closing arguments at trial in Alpha Phi Alpha et al v. Raffensperger, our case challenging Georgia’s state legislative redistricting maps. Over the last two weeks, plaintiffs have presented the court with evidence showing how based on Georgia’s demographics over the last ten years, the State was legally required to draw additional Black-majority state legislative districts. Instead of celebrating Georgia’s growing diversity, the General Assembly drew state legislative districts that weakened the voting strength of Black voters. We are proud of our clients, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., the Sixth District of the AME Church, and other individual voters for standing up and fighting for fair maps in Georgia, and we look forward to the court ruling on this important issue."
In the news:
A judge must now decide if Georgia voting districts are racially discriminatory after a trial ended
Balance of power at stake as judge sets pre-Thanksgiving timeline for Georgia redistricting ruling
Georgia redistricting trial ends with debate over Black representation
Federal Trial Ends in Challenge to Georgia’s State Legislative District Maps; Court Ruling Still to Come
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